January 30, 2023
Pssst…Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the episode, we wanted to let you know we have a new facebook group for this podcast! 🤗
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Clients want to know they can trust you and that they are safe in your hands!
A testimonial, social proof, or a case study will fast-track that trust.
Today we’re talking about the power of others tooting your trumpet!
We know it takes courage to ask for a testimonial. But as an essential part of your marketing strategy, it must be done.
To fast-track trust! It is that simple.
Potential clients like to know that other people have found success with you. People like to have that assurance and trust especially with a premium-priced investment like graphic and brand design.
Testimonials provide evidence that it’s going to be a safe decision to work with you.
Fear usually holds potential clients back…with loads if questions swirling in their heads like…
A good testimonial will be the very first step to help a lot of that initial fear disappear.
In such a noisy industry, there are sooooo many options. Testimonials will help cut through the noise—and again, fast-track trust.
This takes a bit of bravery.
There is no way around this, you need to ask your clients for testimonials. Make it a part of your project wrap checklist and an ongoing process when you receive love bombs throughout projects.
If someone shares something special over the phone, you could stop and ask them if they’d feel comfortable if you could jot that down and use that within your marketing.
You receive fabulous feedback via DM or an email filled with beautiful words about how wonderful you are—write back with your thank you and ask…”Would you mind if I screenshot this and share it with my audience?”
So it’s a wrap—your project is tied up with a neat little bow. Now is the time to ask for that testimonial.
There is a hierarchy for testimonials…
Having video or audio creates instant trust.
The reality is, anyone can fake a testimonial if it’s just words. But when there are real people talking or sitting before a camera and speaking authentically about your work, the truth is undeniable which is very beneficial for that all-important initial trust factor of your business.
Not all clients will feel comfortable with creating a video for you. It might be a daunting task so providing some guidance there can be helpful.
It can be helpful to provide instructions on the format and offer to edit but don’t be too prescriptive when it comes to content…allow the person to be free with whatever they would like to share.
If they need a little inspiration, asking these three questions can be really helpful to get ideas flowing!
That’s okay! There are people out there that know you, they know your character, and they
would know your work ethic. They would also probably know of your work itself. Ask
them to speak to it.
If you’re coming straight from education, you could ask your lecturer/s or peers.
These people could speak to your passion, your creativity, and your dedication. It doesn’t
necessarily have to be a client that writes or records a testimonial.
Think about the professional contracts that you’ve had, anybody that might carry some credibility or weight.
Be courageous and start gathering every little thing in your business in regard to the support from your community and your clients.
You need to have a place for video testimonials, written testimonials, and screenshots. After a while, you will have a gorgeous bustling folder of testimonials to use in the future.
You also need a system for asking for approval.
Here is a short and sweet script you can use so that you can feel comfortable pulling from what people are saying…”Thank you, that was so beautiful, may I have permission to use your kind words within my marketing?”
And if they’re not comfortable with being public with it, but happy for you to use their words., leave out their name and profile picture.
We’re all beings of emotion. Clients speaking openly about how they felt through your process makes a great testimonial. We make decisions subconsciously and emotions are a beautiful way to access all the feels around what it’s like to work with you.
The most powerful testimonial is when a client speaks of the transformation you have provided. Where they were BEFORE they worked with you and where they are now AFTER investing in your services.
Remember—it’s important when prompting the person creating a testimonial for you, not to script them. Allow them to use their personal voice, and how they perceived the experience with you from a genuine and truthful standpoint.
Allow for lots of integrity and authenticity to surround their words. Testimonials told with honest, open-hearted excitement are contagious. These ones are the most transformative for your business.
So beautiful people, testimonials are one of the most powerful marketing tools in your toolkit. Don’t be shy, get the word out! Let the world know exactly how wonderful it is to work with you!
For full transcript click here
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